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Streamlabs: Privacy Concerns with PayPal Donations and Credit Card Donations

Streamlabs is a popular streaming platform that provides a range of tools and services for content creators on platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook Gaming. One of the features offered by Streamlabs is the ability for viewers to donate to their favorite streamers, using either PayPal or credit cards. However, there have been concerns raised by both viewers and content creators about the privacy implications of using these payment methods.

Credit Card Donations

When a viewer donates using a credit card through Streamlabs, the information that is typically transmitted to the content creator is limited to the amount of the donation and any associated message, but not the donor's personal information such as name and address. This is because credit card transactions are processed through secure payment gateways that are designed to protect sensitive information and comply with data privacy regulations. Streamlabs does not save any personal information entered or submitted for credit card donations, and the information is sent straight to the credit card processor, which is responsible for storing and verifying the information.

Streamlabs provides the following FAQs on their website regarding credit card donations:

Does Streamlabs save my personal information?

Streamlabs does not save any personal information you enter or submit for credit card donations. The information is sent straight to the credit card processor and they will store and verify the information.

Are my donors able to see my personal information such as name and address?

No, your donors will not be able to see any personal information.

By using these FAQs from Streamlabs, you can see that Streamlabs takes the privacy of both content creators and viewers into consideration when processing credit card donations.

PayPal Donations

When a viewer donates through Streamlabs using PayPal, the content creator will receive an email from PayPal with the donor's name and email address. This can be seen as a privacy concern for some people, as it can expose personal information to the public. 

However, there is a workaround for this issue. Streamlabs offers a legacy setup option for PayPal donations, which allows users to use the older method of setting up PayPal donations and keep their personal information private. 

To use this option, both content creators and viewers need to set up a PayPal business account instead of a PayPal personal account. This can be done by following the instructions provided in the Streamlabs article titled "Legacy PayPal Donation Setup." 

By using this setup option, both content creators and viewers can ensure that their personal information remains private.

Legacy PayPal Donation Setup

If you're looking to use PayPal for donations through Streamlabs but want to keep your personal information private, you can use the legacy PayPal donation setup option. This option requires setting up a PayPal business account instead of a personal account. Here are the steps to set up your PayPal business account for use with Streamlabs:

  1. Go to the Tipping settings on your Streamlabs dashboard and select "Connect" next to PayPal Plus.
  2. Follow the onboarding process to link your PayPal business account to Streamlabs.
  3. Sign into your PayPal account.
  4. Enter the required information as requested by PayPal, including selecting your business type, entering your business information, and agreeing to PayPal's user agreement.
  5. Describe your business to PayPal, including determining your product or service type, entering your business email address, and leaving the phone number as is (it will be a dummy number).
  6. Enter your personal information in the appropriate fields, including your social security number, date of birth, nationality, and home address.
  7. If PayPal cannot verify your information, you may be asked to upload documents to confirm your identity.
  8. After completing all steps, you should see a "Welcome to PayPal" screen. Be sure to click "Go back to Streamlabs" to complete the process.
  9. Once the onboarding is complete, you should see the connected status on the blue panel. If you don't see the connected status, repeat the onboarding process.
  10. To remove the dummy customer service number, go to your PayPal business profile settings and look for the customer service phone number. Only a phone number labeled as customer service will show on a payment receipt.

By following these steps, you can use the legacy PayPal donation setup option to keep your personal information private while still using PayPal for donations through Streamlabs.

Privacy Concerns

It's important for both viewers and content creators to be aware of the privacy implications of using different payment methods and to take steps to protect their personal information as needed. Before using any platform or service, it's always a good idea to review the privacy policy and terms of service to understand how your personal information will be handled.

In conclusion, while there may be some privacy concerns associated with using PayPal and credit cards for donations through Streamlabs, there are steps that can be taken to minimize these risks and protect personal information. Whether you're a content creator or a viewer, it's important to be informed and proactive when it comes to protecting your privacy online.
